Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Beauty in French Colors

I have always loved the color blue but french blue is more of an experience then a color. The lighter shades remind me of that first spring day when it's finally warm and the air smells fresh and you just know summer and gardens and flowers are right around the corner. It reminds me of my childhood in the South with wonderful grandparent, cousins and lots of tea and hammocks. It's not a conscious thought so much as a wonderful feeling!

And while it is Christmas Eve, I am looking forward to what this coming Spring and Summer are going to be
and all the junking to be had! It feels more like a military strategy to be planned and re-hashed in order to not a miss a thing this year has to offer. I wish everyone a wonderful new year to come and pray it is better then you could have ever dreamed and hope your days have a little bit of french blue to remind you of the good times in your own life.

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